Our chess group arrived in Howarth Park on September 10th, 2022 around 10:30 AM. Although it was forecasted to be a sunny and warm day the wind sent layers of ash all around us from nearby wild fires, which slowly deposited on our tables and chessboards that we’ve just set up. However, “Ash Saturday” did not deter the group and despite all the low visibility and ash coming down 16 players made it to the picnic throughout the day to “get some pawn soup”, as Steve would say. The group enjoyed casual blitz and rapid games and later engaged in a 5/0 team blitz tourney (see results at bottom of page). Overall, it was a great day filled with catching up with friends, eating good food, playing frisbee/football/jazzminton, and of course a lot of entertaining chess games. Thanks to all who came out and made this a fun day!

Team Blitz Tourney